Thursday, January 24, 2008

Obama vs. Clinton: Email sent today, just now

Gotta vote soon! Any thoughts anyone?

good article on healthcare (at least according to my own opinion of where healthcare should go: government-single-payer, scrap the insurance companies); though article barely favors one over the other

anti-Obama for his bold-less-ness on healthcare, but article is from 11/30

agreeing on Clinton's attack about Obama's flip-flopping on once supporting single-payer universal healthcare. It's meant to say Obama has retracted from his once-universal view; but the way I see this is if he once was straightforward for federal healthcare, then he's more likely than Clinton to eventually get there

a lean towards Clinton for her confrontational partisan style getting more things done

Glowing on Obama character, goodness-for-our-country, over Clinton

Clinton the political machinist, Obama the community organizer

a lean towards Obama on foreign policy diplomacy

a not so glowing rant on both candidates, favoring Clinton. not so insightful, but entertaining.

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craftyee said...
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