Thank you, Barack Obama. Probably 98% of politicians would have simply reactively responded directly to the specific sensationalized media hype of the day, instead of talking forcefully and in nuance about the true and stifling larger picture. And there is probably no true and larger picture, domestically in America, that is harder nor more crucial to figure out so that we can find solutions and move forward, finally, than Race.

More often than not I find's "action emails" to their members to be so sloppy, thoughtless so as to be almost propogandastic (despite if I might agree with the ultimate opinion), and uncalled-for, so today I almost wrote off their email as another shrill cheer, this one that praised and promoted Obama's "A More Perfect Union" speech.
However, I watched the speech. And I could not stop watching--except for the parts I was concurrently typing down notes to myself of why each successive part was so successful and incredible of a speech, so after jotting I had to "rewind" the YouTube video to find the place where I had lost track of the particulars of what he was saying, amongst which the particulars were more than in abundance, and begin again watching in captivation where I had left off--all the way to the end of the 37:39. Yes, I watched through without complaint a 37+ min. political speech and I venture to say that so did millions of Americans yesterday, and here I even sincerely encourage anyone and everyone to watch it.
In watching it, original source, you are not getting the stupid and useless sound bites that spread like wildfire and is the terribly petty media that has dominated our national politics, everyday lives, and discourse my entire lifetime; instead, with convenience (YouTube: play, "rewind," "fast forward" all you want), experience the type of actual societal evolution and morph that takes place--in great writing, words, and oratory--that captures What Specifically Has Been Going On in our country--and hopefully, with its verbalization into form and contour brings the hollowed out capacity now for actions to fill in where words have just delineated, and enlightened. In essence, proactive intellect like Obama's speech is the first real step to how we as a country "get past" race/color, or better yet, "go on" with it now, differently from before, within a truer skin.
Wow, that last paragraph was pretty grandiose. Guess by transferance I'm just practicing my own oratory skills on paper. In contrast to lofty oratory, below are my sloppy notes taken during the speech, if you care:
In watching it, original source, you are not getting the stupid and useless sound bites that spread like wildfire and is the terribly petty media that has dominated our national politics, everyday lives, and discourse my entire lifetime; instead, with convenience (YouTube: play, "rewind," "fast forward" all you want), experience the type of actual societal evolution and morph that takes place--in great writing, words, and oratory--that captures What Specifically Has Been Going On in our country--and hopefully, with its verbalization into form and contour brings the hollowed out capacity now for actions to fill in where words have just delineated, and enlightened. In essence, proactive intellect like Obama's speech is the first real step to how we as a country "get past" race/color, or better yet, "go on" with it now, differently from before, within a truer skin.
Wow, that last paragraph was pretty grandiose. Guess by transferance I'm just practicing my own oratory skills on paper. In contrast to lofty oratory, below are my sloppy notes taken during the speech, if you care:
not good for sound bites, but I think he's a pretty sharp guy with an amazing understanding of things,and doesn't hurt that he's about the best orator that's been around in politics
MoveOn dumb?
USNews article putdown so simple dumb
those 10-word recaps every 1000 seconds, popping up on CNN bottom bar, WHILE HE IS TALKING = dumb
Expounds at length, & w/ sustained precision (compared to conventional standards of a speech, esp. a national one) the
-"Black experience," the cliche; and then the real many aspects, components, and kinds, and sources of all of those
-"White experience," the cliche; and then the real many aspects, components, and kinds, and sources of all of those
-The exactness of our stale racial stalemate--the constant actors of "others" and "within us" that exploits the particulars for this and that, to continue that stalemate
-Exactness of the race Exploitation on all sides
-Calls out: Exactness of PARTS FOR UNDERSTANDING, extricate them, feel out textures, grab hold, and HOW TO MOVE AHEAD
-Extricate the problems in media, public habits of exploitation-consumption-perpetuation of sensational, meaningless, racist/sexist/blahblah-ist petty ignorant instances in isolation that create the stalemate of decades--burst open that slimy bubble, expose it to air so it can dry out and die, eventually
What do you think about his plan to withdraw troops in 16 months in light of the fact that we're finally gaining some headway since the troop surge? This point hangs on me the most. I was against the war from the beginning, but despite whatever I previously thought, I think we have a responsibility to leave Iraq in a sound state since we have already gotten ourselves involved.
I watched his speech on youtube since I read your blog, it was time well spent.
Just answered my own question here, the speech was just yesterday.
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