except inspire.
Otherwise, her sophistication, understanding, point of maturity in her plans, and of course, experience, all far exceed that of her young charismatic rival, says the New York Times editorial board, and they have decided
She is the best choice for the Democratic Party as it tries to regain the White House.
In their reward speech of praise, they gushed that the robotic competency of 1990s Hillary has humanized and wizened a long way and is now ready to inherent the crown from the Republicans. On basically all issues--international diplomacy, Iraq withdrawal, refocus on the middle-and-lower-class, civil liberties, an end to the suffocating partisanship etc.--NYTimes makes the blanket statement that the two platforms, in terms of direction, are practically identical. Hillary's platform is just more concrete; and as a political leader she is just more substantive--and the NYTimes believes substance over inspiration is what America needs from 2008-2012.
The idealist in me still roots for Barack and his ending-staled-partisanship, building-new-coalitions proslytizing; but when it comes to managing the tough diplomatic staredowns and security after withdrawal from Iraq, facing and managing new emergency crises whatever they may be, as NYT pointed out and I have to agree, I'd prefer my trust abdicated to the tested Hillary.
Dear Reader: Any thoughts on the editorial? On Hillary Clinton?
I completely agree with the NYTime's opinion and analysis of the 2 candidates. Sure, inspiration is great, but only when it actually has something backing it up. Barack is a a risky choice, and *maybe* he has more potential than Hillary, but we need something much safer right now. Barack also has the potential of being a huge disaster. I don't believe so for Hillary.
BTW on healthcare--NPR's Science Friday held an awesome discussion that actually involved (gasp) doctors in the debate. It's truly eye opening. You can listen for free here:
I have to still place my trust in good judgment which Hillary hasn't shown. I also believe America needs to direly turn the page on political corruption, which I don't see Hillary having any experience on. I spent most of the day reading about the Clinton pardons. Was not surprised that several of them were tied to Hillary's brothers. No I don't judge her based on her family members (Barrack has a brother with a not so impressive resume) but I do judge her based on her association and support (or lack of regret) for these actions.
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